Although German by birth, I grew up in far away Egypt, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Thailand before finally settling in the United States. My childhood in Africa and Asia was spent picking up anything that slithered, crawled or hopped through the backyard. It was here that I first started to develop my deep interest and understanding of animals.
After studying photography in San Francisco, I decided to turn my passion for animals into something more serious and went on to attend Moorpark College; graduating with a diploma in ‘Exotic Animal Training and Management’ after an intensive two year animal training program.
After graduation, I became involved with setting up and managing marine parks and dolphin interactive programs for ‘Dolphin Fantaseas’ in Antigua and ‘Sea Life Park’ in Hawaii.
After working with marine animals for several years, my wife and I decided to return to California to raise a family. I then started my own business and had spent many years growing my reptile family and working in close association with Reptile Family to provide educational programs for schools and private events.
Thorsten Pape
Certified Animal Trainer & Educator
Exotic Animal Training & Management, Moonpark College, USA
Reptile Family, California
Sea Life Park, Hawaii
Dolphin Fantasmas, Antigua
Muenster Allwetter Zoo, Germany
English, German & Spanglish
USA: Animal Planet’s Moonpark 24/7
Europe: VOX “Wolkenloss”
Europe: VOX “Tierzeit”
Europe: VOX “Tours”
Atlantic Bottle-nosed Dolphin, PAcific Bottle-nosed Dolphin, Wolphin, Guyana Dolphin, California Sea Lions, Harbor Seals, Monk Seals, Humboldt Penguiens, Two-toed Sloth, Blue and Gold Macaw, Military Macaw, Red and Green Macaw, Salmon-Crested Cockatoo, Blue fronted Amazon, Euclectus PArrot, Toco Toucan, Channel Billed Toucan, Southern Stingrays, Spotted Eagle Ray, Nurse Sharks, Abyssinian, Ground Hornbills, Oriental Pied Hornbill, African Serval, Ocelot, African Lion, American Alligator, Pygmy Marmosets, Asian Water Buffalo, New Guinea Hog, Southern Square lipped Rhino, Indian Elephant, CHimpanzee, Orangutan, Squirrel Monkey. | | |